I think I did 3k in the pool today but I can't be sure. I kinda wigged out and just swam really hard for a really long time to get out some frustration. I've been lucky that my training has been moving along well, but there are some personal issues that keep creeping up and biting me in the ass. It's nothing monumental, but it just sucks to feel lonely sometimes. Not to get into it, but since my last relationship, all I've done is train, train, train. In some ways this was to get through a difficult breakup. In other ways it was to get to where I want to get as a triathlete. With this situation comes good and bad. It's good to have so much time to devote to training, eating well (ha! well eating a lot anyway), sleeping enough, and just overall making traithlon my life. On the other hand, I don't have anyone to share my experiences with. There's no one waiting to see me when I come home. There's no one to take out to dinner. There's no one to go on an improptu weekend away with. It's really a double edges sword. I think though, when looking back at how triathlon effected my last relationship, it's going to be important to find someone that either shares my interest, or accepts the fact that I'm going to spend most of my weekends on the bike. Training 25-30 hours a week didn't go over very well with my last girlfriend.
This is all just flowing out of me right now, and I'm sorry if it's boring. It's just something I've been dealing with for a while and it has an impact on my life and therefore on my training. Some days are good, some days are bad, but there's always tomorrow. If I want to reach the levels I believe I'm capable of reaching, it's going to take hard work, determination, and discipline. Being single allows me the time and energy I need to devote to my passion. I'm not saying that I'll turn down an opportunity to be happy with someone if it comes along, but for now I'm mostly content with being on my own and doing what I'm doing. At least I have my dog, Lucky!!!
Tomorrow it's back on the bike for some hill work and a chance to put the running shoes back on! I'm so psyched to have regular running back in my training schedule-even if it is super slow and short! At least it's in there!
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