Biked for 2 hours today. All base, all under 155bpm's. I'm really making an effort to stick to MAF come hell or highwater, so until further notice, all intensities will be at 155bpm's or lower, and at a steady pace, as outlined in Gordo's blog.
I stayed in the big ring for most of the ride today. I really want to work on pushing a larger gear this year as I feel I can be more efficient this way. I raced this way in my final race of the season. It didn't have the greates effect on my bike split, but I was able to run off the bike much faster. I think my bike will get faster as I ride more this way, as will my run. My legs feel much better after the ride pedaling with a lower cadence.
Tomorrow is a base run, again under 155, followed by a swim.
These are a couple pics from the ride today.

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