Saturday, April 21, 2012

This is getting tough

I'm at that point now in the injury process where everything is just too much.  I'm so bummed and disappointed that my foot isn't magically healed that it's beginning to play with my head.  I feel fat, out of shape, and just generally depressed.  I've not done anything physical in exactly a week. My body is not used to this.  It's as if I'm going through a drug withdrawal.

I know I've vowed not to whine about this in previous posts, but I'm at my end point here.  I can't imagine more days like today, much less a week if that's what it has to be. I spent the day working on my bikes (which, when thinking about it now, probably wasn't the best idea).  While it served to take my mind of not riding for the moment, it served to give me further grief when the jobs were completed.  Working on bikes all day is fine, but having a bunch of upgrades on said bikes that you can't even take to then end of the driveway to test-drive is just plain torture.  I'm left with a dull headache and a feeling of being unfulfilled.

Perhaps my time these days is better spent reading and writing rather than working and thinking constantly about the bikes I can't ride.  Or even the skateboard I can't take out, or the poor dog I can't walk.  This is plain and simple the worst injury I've had, not because it's given me pain, but because it's taken away the very thing that I cherish the most-my physicality.  I've never felt like more of an absolute bum than I do at this moment.

Going to bed now.  Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

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