Monday, December 7, 2009

Rest Day

Today is a good day to figure out what the hell is going on in my life. After an eventful weekend full of car fires, riding my bike, swiming, and having my Jeep slammed into in a parking lot (no big damage other than a busted tail light), I'm trying to pick up the pieces. Oh yeah, and there was a sinkhole in my front yard yesterday that had to be filled in. Great cross training but it's left me with a super sore upper back and shoulders. Funny how a little bit of something your body isn't used to will leave it aching like that.

I'm trying to figure out finances in a big way. I've come to realize (after the car fire) that all of the things that I'm in debt for don't mean anything to me. All the credit cards that I'm paying off I have practically nothing to show for. In other words, I didn't need the stuff I bought with them and I don't need it now either. I'm trying to lead a very very simple and basic life. I'm not into extravigant things. I'm not a "car guy". I'm not into fashion. I don't need a big house. I'm into the work I do and being happy.

I was reading an interesting blog yesterday ( about how to want little. I'll let you read it if you're interested, but basically what I got from the article was not to be a slouch and not care about anything. It's one thing to appreciate simplicity and embrace it because it leaves you a simple and non-complex life. It's another to do it because you're lazy and don't want the hassle involved with owning much. A few years ago I may have fallen into the lazy category, but now, after much sole searching and finding out more about myself, I can safely say I enjoy the simplicity that a basic life will give me.

So with all this going on, today will be a day to get things straight and go for that all-elusive number of "0 debt". If there's one thing I want, it's to be a "Simple kind of man".

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